Special Interest Groups


June 2024

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are a new initiative in response to the diverse interests and needs of members of CFA Society Switzerland.


SIGs are focused on subtopics and specialties across the finance industry. This program is created with the following objectives:


  • Professional Development: To facilitate continuous learning and skill enhancement in specialized areas of finance and investment.
  • Networking and Community Building: To create a platform for like-minded members to connect, share insights, and build professional relationships within specific areas of interest.
  • Knowledge Sharing: To encourage the exchange of ideas, experiences, and best practices among members, enhancing the collective knowledge base of the group.
  • Industry Insight and Trends: To stay abreast of the latest developments, innovations, and trends in specific sectors of finance and investment, and to disseminate this information among group members.


Each SIG should tailor its specific objectives to the interests and needs of its members, ensuring that they remain relevant and valuable to its audience.


We are recruiting SIG champions to lead the groups


As a first step, we are recruiting passionate leaders (champions!). These individuals should have expertise in the SIG's focus area and leadership qualities. They should have enough time to dedicate to the SIG (expected commitment 4-7 hours monthly). Ideally, each SIG will have two champions. 


Roles and responsibilities of champions:

  • Define the program and activities of the SIG (e.g. develop a calendar of meetings, including roundtables, workshops, networking events, guest speaker sessions, etc)
  • Define the optimum group size and expectations from all members
  • Implement a system for collecting feedback to continuously improve the group; continuous engagement and adaptation to members’ needs are crucial
  • Track metrics like membership growth, event attendance, and member engagement
  • Organize activities, events, roundtables, etc


Apply here to become a SIG Champion

Deadline for applications is 20 August 2024. Interviews with applicants will take place in September 2024.