In the 2020 Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index (MCGPI), Switzerland’s pension system is rated “B” and ranks 12th out of the 39 systems included in the study. Despite this meager result, the reform of the Swiss pension system progresses at a slow pace and future pensioners must expect significantly lower pensions than in the past. The Swiss CFA Society and Mercer Switzerland are pleased to offer you a webinar discussing the MCGPI both from a global and a Swiss perspective.
Dr. David Knox, lead author of the study, will provide an overview of the index and the challenges currently faced by pension systems. Ivan Guidotti, Chair of the Swiss Pensions Conference 2020 Romandie and Investment Officer at XO Investments, together with Tobias Wolf, Head Advisory at Mercer Switzerland, will dive deep into the major challenges of the Swiss pension systems and potential measures to provide more attractive pensions in the future.
The MCGPI is an annual study analysing and comparing pension systems around the world regarding their adequacy, sustainability and integrity. The 2020 edition features 39 systems and offers insights into their specific challenges and potential measures for improvement.
CFA Society Switzerland members can record PL credit for their participation using the online tracking tool.
Senior Partner at Mercer
Head of Advisory Business, Mercer Switzerland
Head of Investments at XO Investments, Chair of Swiss Pensions Conference 2020 Romandie