How to Succeed in Finance - Exclusively for Candidate Members

Event Details

Candidate Members event ONLY (registration pending approval).
If you are not a Candidate Member yet, you can become one by clicking here.


The event aims to offer CFA Switzerland Society Candidate Members the opportunity to glance at successful careers in finance and finding inspiration for their professional development.

The presentation will be from 18:00 (registration, start at 18:30) to 20:30 including networking drinks. The location in Zurich will be announced closer to the date. 



Christoph Lang, CFA

Christoph Lang, CFA

Christoph is Head of PRIME Equities at J. Safra Sarasin Asset Management (JSSAM). In his role, Christoph oversees a team of portfolio managers that run regional and global Equity portfolios. Christoph himself has been an Equity portfolio manager for 15 years. Prior to joining JSSAM in 2013, Christoph has started his careers as an Investment Banking trainee for Zürcher Kantonalbank, where he was promoted to become a portfolio manager for Equity and Commodity strategies afterwards. Throughout his career, Christoph has worked for different financial companies in New York, Singapore and Frankfurt. Christoph received a Master’s degree in Finance from the University of Hohenheim (Germany) and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.