Outlook on Swiss Real Estate Zurich

03 Oct 2024, 18:00 - 21:00

HWZ, Lagerstrasse 5, 8004

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1 PL Credit(s)

Event Details

This event, organized in collaboration with CAIA Switzerland, will focus on Swiss Real Estate. We will explore the various drivers within the various segments such as office, retail and residential and deep dive on current and especially future structural trends such as demographics and changes in consumer behavior. Following steep interest rate increases in 2022 and the recent first rate cut by the SNB, we will especially elaborate on the impact of the monetary policy on the local real estate market and shed some light on the impact of environmental changes to the asset class. Finally, we will discuss the general attractiveness of the asset class across the most important investment formats.

This event qualifies for up to 1 PL credit. CFA Society Switzerland members can record PL credit  for their participation using the online tracking tool (CFA Institute login required).


This event is organized in collaboration with CAIA Switzerland.

Thanks to the sponsor of Professional Learning events.


Michael Bänziger, CFA

Michael Bänziger, CFA

Chief Investment Officer, Generali Switzerland

Christof Bertschi, CFA

Christof Bertschi, CFA

Corporate Finance Manager, Swiss Finance & Property Group

Beatrice Stadler, CAIA

Beatrice Stadler, CAIA

Senior Investment Manager, Vita Collective Foundation

Zoltan Szelyes, CFA, CAIA

Zoltan Szelyes, CFA, CAIA

CEO, Macro Real Estate

Moderator: Andreas Rothacher, CFA, CAIA

Moderator: Andreas Rothacher, CFA, CAIA

Head of Investment Research, Complementa