American Exceptionalism

07 May 2025, 12:15 - 13:15


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"American Exceptionalism" is on everyone's lips on the financial markets today. This is because those who have bet on American Exceptionalism on the stock markets have been able to achieve higher returns than elsewhere over the last decade and a half, while those who have bet against it have lost out. However, stock markets are always prone to "irrational exuberance". The fear that a bubble may have developed is justified and a major setback cannot be excluded. However, there are indications that the exceptional development is not completely "irrational" but has a real economic background.

This webinar qualifies for up to 1 PL credit. CFA Society Switzerland members can record PL credit  for their participation using the online tracking tool (CFA Institute login required).



Thomas Mayer

Thomas Mayer

Founding Director, Flossbach von Storch Research Institute