Evolids CFA exam on-line workshops



It's time to study - CFA exam on-line workshops 

EVOLIDS presents the new edition of a series of refreshing & intensive workshop webinars dedicated to key themes of the CFA exams of the coming season. 

Here is how it is organized:
👉🏻Each workshop webinar lasts 2 hours between 17:30 and 19:30, CET 
👉🏻You can register by sending an email at patrick.oberhaensli@<wbr></wbr>evolids.com up to 14:30 on the day of the webinar
👉🏻Price for each workshop webinar: 79 CHF.
If you want to participate at all 6 CFA Level 1 exam workshop webinars, the price is 379 CHF, a 20% reduction (deadline for registration is 24 February 2022).
Patrick will send you a bill in electronic form.
👉🏻Very important: the workshop webinars take place independently of the number of participants. 

Workshops for CFA Level I*
*If you want to participate at all 6 CFA Level 1 exam workshop webinars, the price is 379 CHF, a 20% reduction. The deadline for application is 24 February.

Tuesday 15 March CFA L1 Calculations - the start
• Fundaments including interest rates and conversions
• Statistics with the average return, volatility, single linear regression for sample and population
• Time Value of Money (TVM) with Present Value & Future Value  (easier cases, also related to equities)
• Corporate Finance with projects & sales activity (easier cases)
• Portfolio risk and return

Tuesday 22 March  CFA L1 Calculations - the advanced
• Statistics with more about the normal distribution
• TVM more advanced cases with annuities, loans &  Internal Rate of Return
• Projects (more advanced cases)
• Equity market elements
• Bonds (their pricing and beyond with duration and amortization)
• Hedge funds fees

Tuesday 29 March CFA L1 Fixed-Income
• Overview of the money and capital/bond markets
• Discussion about yields (including the Bond Equivalent Yield) and spreads
• Discussion about interest rate risk
• Overview of the bond credit seniority
• A few exam-type questions

Wednesday 6 April CFA L1 Derivatives
• Forward/futures pricing & swap introduction
• Corresponding valuations
• Option pricing and analysis (basics)

Wednesday 13 April CFA L1 Portfolio Management
• Overview of the Investment Policy Statement (IPS), Portfolio Management process & key institutional investors
• Different perspective of the return & risk framework… including
• Around the Capital Asset pricing Model (CAPM)
• Risk-adjusted performance measures and the context of their use
• Key elements of technical analysis

Wednesday 27 April CFA L1 Corporate Finance
• Corporate governance / ESG
• Essential elements of capital budgeting with WACC and CAPM (understanding the costs)
• Around leverage: beta and activity

Workshops for CFA Level III

Thursday 24 February CFA L3 Derivatives Part 1 (the less complex part)
•Forward/futures (including FX) & swaps: a systematic approach
•Options: risks looked at differently and combinations - how to build them
•Derivatives and key alternative strategies

Thursday 24 March CFA L3 Derivatives Part 2 (the more complex part)
• Forward/futures (including FX) & swaps in practice with hedging analysis including PNL & asset re-allocation as well as curve discussion for the first one
• Options in practice with view implementation & combination analysis, including PNL 
Free sponsored Alternative Investments Workshop for CFA Level I (but also with inputs for the other levels)

Thursday 31 March CFA L1 Alternative Investments
Quick overview of the Alternative Investment markets
From key elements of statistics to performance measurement matters
Real assets from real estate to commodities (using derivatives)
Hedge funds managed futures: key strategies and their main characteristics (selective, discussing some important difficulties)
Around private equity (easy)
Risk management due diligence (includes behavioral finance elements)
Further thoughts around alternative investments(including performance fee model & hedge fund replication)

* A portion of the proceeds will be allocated to our society to assist us in enhancing services to members and candidates like you in our local market. CFA Society Switzerland does not warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered.
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