Essay Writing Workshops
Success on the Essay portion of your Level III exam is the key to passing and getting your charter. Nathan Ronen, CFA of Chalk & Board LLC, offers you special opportunities to take three (3) CBT Essay Mock Exams for a total of 45 essays (15 different essays at each session) with Instructor Grading and Personalized Feedback.*
Do you wish to attend the LIVE mock exam sessions? Here are the dates:
Level III Essay (CBT) Mock Exam
Mock Exam #1 Live Zoom Session - April 23rd.
Mock Exam #2 Live Zoom Session - May 1st.
Mock Exam #3 Live Zoom Session - May 8th.
You can’t attend these live sessions dates?
No problem. Each live mock exam session is recorded. If you cannot attend any exam session you can take the essays anytime at your convenience (on-demand) with the recording of that session and then submit your essays online for grading and feedback.
Q: How is each Mock Essay Exam Session with Nathan conducted?
A: During each one-day "LIVE" (in-person) Mock Exam Session on zoom, he will challenge you to complete each of the 45 essays (15 different essays at each mock exam session) in less than the allocated time.
This will encourage you to manage the time so that on Exam Day you are comfortable with completing all essays before the end of the First Session and have sufficient “cushion time” to go back and review your responses. For example, if the first essay provides 20 minutes (points), each candidate will be given less than 20 minutes to read the essay and address all parts.
During the in-person Zoom session, you will answer the first essay on your computer. After the allotted time, you will be told to stop answering the first essay and not alter your response. He will go over that first essay, explain the answer and what a CFA exam grader would expect and then answer any questions. Then you will proceed to the remaining essays, one essay at a time, in the same manner until all essays are completed.
Be prepared for an intensive day.
After the end of each of the three LIVE Mock Exam sessions, Nathan will review each of your essays and answers. He will inform you what needed to be provided to receive full credit and of any pitfalls that should be avoided when answering the essay. This will train you to focus your attention on the exact question being asked.
During the zoom session Nathan will also accept as many questions after each essay is completed, as time permits, to ensure that all essays are completed during each intensive 8-hour Mock Exam.
After each Mock Exam, you will receive a copy of the answer key.
You will also receive a link to the recorded Zoom session that you can access up until your exam day.
To ensure consistency of grading, Nathan will personally grade each essay.
Within three (3) days of the zoom session, he will review each essay online and you can view his grading and comments.
You will be made aware of why any points were taken off with value-added comments and assessments.
The grade will indicate “minus 2” or “6 out of 9 points”. with a clear indication why. It will be preceded by a cover page with overall comments specific to you.
You will quickly understand why you are not being awarded full points and how your answer may have failed to provide all the information needed to answer the essay appropriately.
Interested? For everybody who would like secure their spot for these three separate live or on-demand zoom sessions and having Nathan grade your essays, please go directly to and register to secure your spot.
Don't hesitate to get back to Nathan with any open questions. He is reachable on Whatsapp +1-973-493-1371 and email
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2022 CFA®️ Review Bundles
Bundles are Packed with Chalk & Board's Core Curriculum On-Demand Videos, Personalized Service, Must Know's Notebook, Bi-Weekly Updates PLUS Multiple Mock Exams for CFA Levels I, II, & III.
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