Study Materials & Mock Exams

CFA Society Switzerland candidate member discount on any Chalk and Board study packages!
Members - 15% off the website prices
Non-member — 10% off the website prices
Click here for your discount (for CFA Society Switzerland Members, please write to for the additional 5% discount)!
Chalk and Board has helped tens of thousands of candidates worldwide pass their CFA exams. With Nathan Ronen, CFA as your coach and instructor you will understand and apply! Not memorize.
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The Most Trusted CFA® Study Program Around the World
Kaplan Schweser has been partnering with CFA societies for 15 years...developing candidates into CFA® charterholders and ultimately leaders in society communities. Schweser’s study program has evolved over the years to create an engaging experience for candidates, using real-time data to guide them to exam success in an adaptive manner.
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Become a candidate member to get discounts on study materials
- 20% discount for candidate members of CFA Society Switzerland: click here
- 10% discount for non-members: click here

CFA Society Switzerland has partnered with FitchLearning to provide access to online study resources. The online study portal and mobile app give you the best possible online resources to prepare you for the CFA exams.
The FitchLearning online package combines unlimited access to both a portal and a mobile app. Through CFA Society Switzerland, candidates are eligible to the following discounts:
- 15% discount for candidate members of CFA Society Switzerland.
- 10% discount for non-member candidates.
To take advantage of this offer, please register by emailing client services or calling +442074968600 and quote “CFA Society Switzerland” – this is the only channel to get access to the package at these terms. Proof of membership (confirmation email for instance) is required for the member discount. Please find all the features of the online study portal and mobile app here.
Learn more about Candidate Membership