25 September 2024
Cristoph Lang, CFA
Head of PRIME Equities at J. Safra Sarasin Asset Management
Some inspirational moments and key points taken from the session:
- Contrasting active versus passive portfolio management and the challenges facing the asset management industry today
- The behavioural biases affective decisions in portfolio construction
- The impact of artificial intelligence on a ever evolving industry
We are looking forward to seeing you at our next How to succeed in Finance event and the following Apéro-Drinks.
8 June 2023
Speaker Christoph Schenk, CFA
Chief Investment Officer of Zürcher Kantonalbank
Some takeouts and key moments from the interview:
- Personal branding is very important and should be done as early on as possible. Define your values and stay true to them.
- True networking, the type that could get you a new opportunity, usually comes from the people you have worked with, that know you, your expertise, working ethic and commitment.
- Aim as high as possible but if results are slow to appear, don`t dwell on it. Move on. Success may come to you through different paths and take several shapes. There are more ways than one to be successful.
- Meticulously planning your career is not possible. Events may not happen in a particular order and other opportunities might come along the way.
- Intellectual curiosity is very important in one`s evolution, it broadens your horizons and adds new perspectives.
- In interacting with clients and stakeholders, stay true to the values and principles that define you.
9 March 2023
Speaker Jian Shi Cortesi, CFA
Investment Director GAM Investments
Some takeouts and key moments from the interview:
Make your work and yourself as visible as possible to all stakeholders. Out of sight, out of mind.
Enthusiasm for your job, passion, along with hard work can compensate for temporary missing technical skills.
Search for models from your own field of work and try to learn from them.
The intellectual ability to separate from the herd, independent analytical thought, and mastering one´s emotions are essential skills for a successful fund manager. And last but not least, the ability to sell your investment strategy.
For the dream job one should be able to sacrifice initial demands and expectations as it usually pays off along the way.
Successful career paths are a mix of passion for the job, technical skills, timing, luck, and coincidences.
If you´re passionate about a field of work, don`t give up on your dreams, work hard, and don´t let setbacks affect your enthusiasm for pursuing that career.
Time is very important, as well as making the most of it at work and at home.
Finding your dream job will make working a lot more rewarding.
Finding a mentor in your own company can bring a lot of benefits, different perspectives, and an additional layer of knowledge. If you´ve asked for advice and received it, follow through.
7 June 2022
Speaker Cyrill Moser, CFA
Partner & Management Committee ZWEI Wealth
Some inspirational moments and key points taken from the session:
- A career might not always follow a straight ascending line, therefore professionals should prepare for both the ups and the downs along
- Any step back should be considered as an opportunity to reassess the situation and pursue the skills needed for the path forward
- A career path has different stages, and each stage requires different skills. 1st stage: Find the area you are passionate about and improve your technical skills. 2nd stage: Focus on your soft skills. 3rd stage: Think strategically and strengthen leadership abilities
- Networking and continuous learning are essential skills needed throughout the career, but even more important at an earlier stage
- Becoming a successful leader entails active listening, taking time for employees, clear communication, formulating realistic targets, and building qualitative networks
- Putting passion and effort into one`s job and finding a purpose in it will most certainly lead to thriving and good career opportunities
- Due to the rapid pace of development in all fields but especially finance, curiosity, never settling for the status quo, and continuous education will ensure one´s success and provide opportunities for reaching one´s goals.
We are looking forward to seeing you at our next How to succeed in Finance event and the following Apéro-Drinks.