Celebrating 5 Years of CFA Community in Lugano!

26 Sep 2024

Event Details


On 26 September 2019, a group of CFA Charterholders from Ticino met for the first time in Lugano. The main goal was to get to know each other.

The first gathering was successful and we decided to keep meeting on a regular basis. Despite COVID, since then we met 5 more times for “After-Work Drinks”, 3 times for “CFA Wine Tasting” event at USI, and 19 times for the “Investment Round-Table Ticino”, our distinctive event.

26 September 2024 will mark the 5th Anniversary of our activities in Ticino, and with the support of Lorenzo Vangelisti, CFA, CEO Valeur Group, we decided to organise something special for our members.

For the occasion, Mirjana Wojtal, CEO of the CFA Society Switzerland, will also attend the event.

We will meet at the Headquarter of VALEUR SA in Lugano for an event sponsored by the CFA Society Switzerland and Valeur Group. This event is open to members and candidate members of CFA Society Switzerland, as well as other CFA Charterholders. 

We look forward to seeing you at the event!


Agenda and Registration

Thank you to our host Valeur Group