University Relations Committee
Universities create the pipeline of future investment management professionals and potential CFA candidates. The University Relations Committee’s mission is to foster relations with major universities and universities of applied sciences with a view to sustainably optimizing that pipeline, thereby supporting CFA Institute’s overall mission to serve clients and society. The committee aims to achieve this through franchise-building activities, support in educational activities and especially the provision of credentialing programs that require the application of technical knowledge and an appropriate ethical framework.
The committee establishes relationships between faculty and students and practitioners in the investment community and is tasked with these duties:
- Organizing and promoting the CFA Institute Research Challenge.
- Organizing and promoting the CFA Institute Affiliation Program.
- Developing new formats.
The Chair of the University Relations Committee is Christian Mannoni, CFA.
We thank our volunteers of this committee:
Ivan Melay, CFA
Karol Brodzinski, CFA
Enzo Mondello, CFA, PhD
Christian Mannoni, CFA (Chair)
Dimitrios Giannarakis, CFA
Soner Kisak, PhD, CFA
Marion Lutz, CFA
Thomas Steller, CFA
Luigi D'Amato, CFA
Christian Meiss, CFA
Fabian Blank, CFA
Michael Belpaire, CFA
Research Challenge
The Chair of the Research Challenge Commitee is Mark Temnikov, CFA.
Jerome Arthur, CFA
Alexandre Axilais , CFA
Henri Badoux
Bettina Baur, CFA
Paul Bésanger, CFA
David Bondi, CFA
Francesco Bonsante, CFA
Sebastian Boosz
Charles Bordes
Karol Brodzinski, CFA
Adrien Brossard, CFA
Tobias Crettenand, CFA
Sascha Czerwenka, CFA
Jannick Dousse, CFA
Jean-Paul Jeckelmann, CFA
Ricco Friedrich, CFA
Timoteo Gandolfi, CFA
Michael Gehrig, CFA
Alessandro Gula, CFA
Timothy Holt, PhD
Raphael Jaggy, CFA
Alex Klopfer, CFA
Pavel Krasikov, PhD
Thomas Kühne, CFA
Michal Lichvar, CFA
Christian Mannoni, CFA
Martin Moeller, CFA
Andrea Mognon, CFA
Diego Oberholzer
Christian Rath, CFA
Filippo Sani, CFA
Jan Schöps, CFA
Robert Schuchna, CFA
Daniele Scilingo, CFA
Grégoire Serre, CFA
Roger Signer, CFA
Ricardo Tancini, CFA
Georg Toelkhaus, CFA
Christian Arnold, CFA
Emrah Basic, CFA
Alessandro Foletti
Fabian Haecki, CFA
Reto Hess, CFA
Reto Huber, CFA
Martin Husler, CFA
Claudia A. Meier, CFA
Henrik Munk-Nielsen
Gerhard Wagner, CFA
Alexander Tobler, CFA
Fabrizio Basile, CFA
Tetyana Bazylevska, CFA
Dessislava Boneva, CFA
Pascale Boyer Barresi, CFA
Yi Du, CFA
Gianluca Lazzarin, CFA
Gustavo Munster, CFA
Laura Prina Cerai, CFA
Phillip Sundquist, CFA
Frederik von Ameln, CFA
Tanja Wrosch, CFA
Hicham Youssoufi Alaoui, CFA
Louis Ghaleb, CFA
Olivier Clemann, CFA
Olivier Müller, CFA
Peter Bänziger
Jean-Philippe Bertschy, CFA
Christoph Gretler, CFA
Katrin Hita, CFA
Markus Matuszek, CFA
Mark Temnikov, CFA
Gary Girault, CFA
Patrick Rafaisz, CFA
Grigory Gevorgizov, CFA
Zina Sanyoura, CFA
Alberto Ravandoni, CFA
Jacqueline Ruedin Rüsch